A Bump in the Road

Please forgive me if you are anxiously awaiting information about my completed story, but I have been in a bit of a funk since I completed it.  I’ve been experiencing all of the doubts and fears that writers experience when they consider releasing one of their babies out into the world.

I am currently studying James Scott Bell’s book Revision and Self-Editing for Publication.  I’ve had a friend who is an editor go through it, and she has completed her run through it to inform me of my grammar and technical errors, but I haven’t looked at them yet.  I plan to do that tomorrow or Thursday.

Therefore, I hope to start posting a bit about my main characters here for you soon.  I just need to find my confidence again and do some serious revising.  Because, as all writers know, writing a good story includes lots of revising and editing.

Stay posted.  It will come.

2 thoughts on “A Bump in the Road

  1. Thank you, Donna. No worries, I’m not giving up on writing. I am persevering. I am studying self-editing and revision, and working on an idea for a three, possibly four book series, to follow the one I mentioned in this post. I don’t believe I could quite writing if I wanted to. It is something God has called me to do and I just love writing!


  2. Hi Kelly. Perseverance is key for us writers. Be encouraged. Robert Whitlow said that Self-Editing for Fiction Writers taught him how to write! And don’t listen to those voices that try to discourage you. And you are not alone! We’re all with ya! Cheering ya on! 🙂


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