A Few Changes to this Blog

This is a photo I used before here on the blog, from Unsplash.

I have tried to have a set schedule of posts here on my blog, but that’s kind of gotten left by the wayside. Every now and then, I have to take time to re-evaluate what I’m doing here based on life circumstances or just a desire to freshen up the blog.

Right now, in my life, my time is divided between family responsibilities, finishing the school year with my youngest son, my writing, and reading and writing book reviews. Although my Wordless Wednesday photo posts were very popular, since Covid started, I don’t go many places and therefore don’t take very many photos anymore. So, for now, Wordless Wednesday will not appear. I hope to be able to post them, at least occasionally, in the future.

I am planning to start a monthly e-newsletter where I will give updates on my upcoming novel, self-editing tips for writers, and other goodies. I should have that all figured out and set up for you to sign up for it here on the blog by the end of the month.

So, for now, I will continue to post lots of book reviews, and anything else that I feel pressed to share, but it will all be either writing related or stuff that’s going on in my life. I also hope to get back to writing Flash Fiction pieces for Fridays.

I hope you all are well, and that if you’re a writer, that you are continuing to write.

2 thoughts on “A Few Changes to this Blog

  1. I tried the scheduling thing for a year, found it exhausting. I decided I didn’t want it to be a job or a chore, so ta-dah! I’m not a Blogger-with-a-capital-B. And that’s okay.

    All that to say, I understand, and I look forward to posts whenever they may come! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, E, for your kind words and encouragement. Scheduling worked really well for a while, especially since I could write a bunch of posts in a day and schedule them for when I wanted them to post. But since Covid, I’ve had trouble being able to stick to the themes I had for each day. Every once in a while, I have to change things up, and right now I just have to write what I feel like writing when I can because right now my focus is on finishing a short story I’m working on, then finishing my novel so I can start the next one, and all the fun I’m having on MeWe.


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